Python Dictionaries

In Python, a dictionary is a collection type that is used to store data in the form of key-value pairs. A dictionary is ordered, changeable, and does not allow duplicate values. The factor that makes a dictionary different from lists, tuples or sets is that in a dictionary each value has an associated key.

Note: In Python version 3.6 and earlier, the dictionaries were unordered, but as of Python 3.7, they are ordered.

A dictionary is written using curly brackets.

For example:

car = {"Brand" : "Maruti Suzuki", "Model" : "Alto"}


{“brand” : “Maruti Suzuki”, “model” : “Alto”}

Keep in mind that “Brand” and “Model” are the keys and “Maruti Suzuki” and “Alto” are their respective values.

If we have to print a specific value, we need to use its key.

For example:

car = {"Brand" : "Maruti Suzuki", "Model" : "Alto"}


Maruti Suzuki

Duplicate keys

In a dictionary, values with the same keys are not allowed. If you try to do that, it will overwrite the existing value.

For example:

mydict = {"name" : "Bob", "profession" : "Gamer", "profession" : "Software Engineer"}


{‘name’: ‘Bob’, ‘profession’: ‘Software Engineer’}

But, keep in mind that the keys in a dictionary are case-sensitive. So, for example, ‘name’ and ‘Name’ would be treated as different keys.

Have a look at this example

car = {
    "name" : "Jaguar", 
    "Name" : 'Ferrari'




Data type

The items in a dictionary can be of any data type. In the example given below, we have String, integer, Boolean, and list in the same dictionary.
person = {“name”: “John”, “age” : 24, isHonest : true, hobbies : [“Football”, “music”]}

Length of a dictionary

To find out the length of a dictionary, we use the len() function.

mydict = {"name" : "Bob", "profession" : "Gamer", "profession" : "Software Engineer"}
dictionary_size = len(mydict)

The dict function

A dictionary can also be created using the dict constructor.

car = dict(“Brand”: “Maruti Suzuki”, “Model”: “Alto”)

Dictionaries are defined as objects with the data type ‘dict’.

For Example:

car = dict("Brand" : "Maruti Suzuki", "Model" : "Alto")


<class ‘dict’>

Nested Dictionaries

A dictionary that contains other dictionary or dictionaries is called a nested dictionary.

For example : The below example has a dictionary containing three dictionaries.

students = {
    "Student1" : {
        "Name" : "Alok Verma",
        "age" : 15
    "Student2" : {
        "Name" : "Nishtha Shakya",
        "age" : 14
    "Student3" : {
        "Name" : "Sumit Ojha",
        "age" : 17
    "Student4" : {
        "Name" : "Lucky Verma",
        "age" : 22

Or, have a look at this one given below. This dictionary has a dictionary containing three string key value pairs, one integer value with string type key, and a dictionary.

accountHolder = {
    "Name" : "Raman Shakya",
    "Age" : 34,
    "City" : "Bhopal",
    "Occupation" : "Software Engineer",
    "account_information" : {
        "account_number" : 123451020,
        "IFSC" : "UBI001"

Accessing elements of a dictionary

An element of a dictionary can be assessed using its key. If we were to access elements form the above example, then, it could be something like this.

accountHolder = { 
    "Name" : "Raman Shakya", "Age" : 34, 
    "City" : "Bhopal", 
    "Occupation" : "Software Engineer", 
    "account_information" : { 
        "account_number" : 123451020, 
        "IFSC" : "UBI001" 


Raman Shakya

Deleting elements from a dictionary

An element from a dictionary can be deleted using the ‘del ‘ keyword.

cityinfo = {
    "Name" : "Bhopal", 
    "Population" : 1900000

print("Dictionary before deleting any element:")


print("After deleting an element, the new dictionary is:")


Dictionary before deleting any element:
{‘Name’: ‘Bhopal’, ‘Population’: 1900000}
After deleting an element, the new dictionary is:
{‘Name’: ‘Bhopal’}